Zürcher Stalder AG


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  • Subscription "VävMagasinet" S
  • CHF 47.52 / p.
    (Exclusive 2.6 % V.A.T.)
  • Swedish text, 4 issues per year
  • Abo Väv S
  • 0
  • p.

    not available at the moment
VävMagasinet is the most widely read textile and weaving magazine in Scandinavia and in Europe.
Scandinavian Weaving Magazine meets textile artists who use many differrent techniques, from traditional methods to the more experimental. Each issue contains ten weaving projects specially designed for Scandinavian Weaving Magazine. We cover courses and exhibitions. Scandinavian Weaving Magazine is published in four colorful and inspiring issues annually, Swedish text. By our partners in The Netherlands and Japan, there are also Dutch and Japanese translations available.
Excellent reading for the beginner as well as for the experienced weaver.

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